

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In the mail today...

Today in the mail I found this necklace that I bought of ebay!
It finally came!!
 It was only $1.80

It came in this little box!


I've been waiting for ages for it!!

Junita has been here for 4 days now!!
But has has to go in 3 days :"(

Janae's birthday went really well and we went to a lake for the day..
Photos will come later..

There's a giveaway over at Enchanted Musings!

See ya!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My Aunty is here.
And my little cousin.
She is cute.
She is 7.
I think...
My Aunty and Dad are outside with the hose wetting each other like two little kids!!
They want me to come out...
Ugh.. nah.. Not now..


Tommorrow,  Junita (Jems girlfriend!!) is coming over to stay for a week..
I have only met her once, at the airport..
I can't wait!
WE'll have to go pick her up from the airport..
I wonder what time??
Cool plane! ^^^

I've never been one an airoplane before...


I've noticed there's been lots of giveaways lately..
I've entered alot..
I wonder if I'll win any..

I made this hat for Janaes doll..
It's the first hat I've ever made!
I'm making another one for her other doll now..

It's her birthday soon. (Janae's not the dolls.. :P)
She's gonna be 4!!
My baby's growing up :'(

I'd better go now.....

Love from,

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Heart garland!

I finished the heart garland!
I put them on the wrong way up so that I couldn't see which colours were next to each other :D
It turned out great!

{That's the colours of my walls!!}

There is yet another giveaway over at Diary of a Beautiful Soul!!
I suggest you enter it :P

I'd better go now!
Love from

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


... I went to the pool with Dad!! Goodbye calories!!
After that we went and got a choc top from hungry jacks!!. Oh, hello again calories... :P

Then I cam home...
read.. beed bored (yeah i know beed isn't a word, but its just right)
Had tea... Ahhh!
It's quarter to seven!
Quickly went and got changed, COZ I WENT TO GIRL GUIDES!!!
Because it was just the first one of the year, they just played a few games and talked... But I had heaps of fun and really want to do it!


Today I have started making a heart garland!


You'll see it next time I'm on :D

Found a new awesome blog:
Vintage Wanna Bee

See ya later!!!

love from,

pee ess. happy valentines day for the other day :P 


Another giveaway!!!!

There's a giveaway goin on over at Gentri lee

Head over there and enter RIGHT NOW!
There's some good prizes ;)
Love from,

Saturday, February 11, 2012



Pink by me-head featuring h&m shoes

I was just about to have a cuppa tea..

... but then found out that there is no tea bags left!!!
We finally got me and Janae moved into our new room!!
Hannah is in her caravan now...
I slept over for 2 nights in it :P
The other day we started painting my old room for Jem...
It now looks like one of those designer rooms you see in the magazines!!
I am in the middle of writing a letter to Alice..
There is two neighbours awkwardly standing around our house... and watching me... AWKS!
Now they're looking at what I'm writing..
OK... Enough about them..
Bruce is on my shoulder...
Alice has been encouraging me to read the bible more..
So, I am going to read all of the New Testament  this year!
Hannah is giving us a running commentary about how to peel and mash a banana.



vintage :D

Anyway, Hannah wants to go on now :(

Sleepy days...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I've seen bloggers use Polyvore before, and I think 'Hmmm... I should look that up one day...'

But the other day I thought that,  AND I DID!!
It's such a cool website!
I have fallen in love with it...

'Polyvore, will you marry me?'

Here are some outfits I've made...





So yeah!
If you wanna check it out, click on the word that the arrow is pointing
 too..                           ^

Love from Eve

Monday, February 6, 2012

Another giveaway somewhere!!

There's a giveaway going on over at Little Blue Eyes

I would love to win this little cookie necklace set!!

Hannah says hi! (lol)

Love from,