Paper birds!
What you need:
Lots of colored paper
Feathers (optional)
Something that looks like a branch
Something that looks like a branch
What to do:
Cut out the shapes of a bird etc. feathers, body, head. Do it in different colours or all the same. Continue making birds until you think you have enough! Then get the branch thing (brown wool, brown paper, real branch, etc.) and put it up on the wall and then fasten all the birds!
How to cast on! (To knit, which is further down)
What you need:
Knitting needles
What to do:
Make a slip loop about 50cm away from the end of the wool.
Put it on one of the knitting needles and tighten it.
Grab the loose end, then wrap the wool around your thumb get the needle with the slip knot on it and put it through the loop around your thumb while it is till in the loop, wrap the wool from the ball around the needle.
Then Put the needle down through the loop and lift the loop of the thumb.
You have now completed your first stitch!
Continue this until you think you have enough stitches!
How to knit!
Slip you other needle though the top stitch and wrap the wool from the ball around it.
Push the needle down through the stitch and up off the needle!
You have now completed your first knit!
You have now completed your first knit!
Continue until you have finished all of the stitches!
Some beginners use riddles like this:
Some beginners use riddles like this:
(This is the only one I know, but there are some nicer ones!)
Stab, Choke, Bury and off to heaven!
How to cast off!
Knit two stitches, and lift the bottom one over the other and off the needle.
Knit another and do the same and continue until you have gotten to the last stitch, lift this of and make a knot!
You have now finished your first piece of knitting! J
What you can make with bottle lids!
Colour Chains!
What you need!
Lot ’s of spare bottle lids
Something sharp (a nail, a knife etc.)
A hammer
Strong glue (super glue, hot glue etc.)
What to do!
Make holes in all the lids by putting the sharp thing there and banging it with the hammer.
Make holes in all the lids by putting the sharp thing there and banging it with the hammer.
Then thread the string through all the holes and secure it with glue.
After they are all on, hang it up somewhere!
Lid collage:
What you need!
Lots of bottle lids
Lots of bottle lids
Strong glue (super glue, hot glue etc.)
A canvas (You can get these from about $2.00 -
$20.00 depending on the size)
$20.00 depending on the size)
Buttons (optional)
What to do!
Put glue around the edge of the lid and stick it on the canvas.
Put glue around the edge of the lid and stick it on the canvas.
Continue this until you are happy with it!
If you have buttons, stick them on wherever you like.
If you have buttons, stick them on wherever you like.
If you like you can use anything else to make it look good!
I hope you enjoyed reading this!!
From Eve ♥•♥•♥•♥
From Eve ♥•♥•♥•♥
ps- sorry if the knitting doesn't work. It is very hard to explain without pictures :)
Hi Eve.
ReplyDeleteJust read all your wonderful comments on my blog (Imagination & Creation).
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Thanks again!