

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The nook...

(all these photos were taken by Hannah)

Hello everyone!
Lately the weather has been warming up a bit (yay!) and today was almost hot!!
So after church, we decided to go to the nook!
We went and got some chippies, drove to the nook, laid out the picnic blanket, and ta dah!
the perfect atmosphere for a warm Sunday afternoon.

After eating, we went to get out feet wet!
Oh and we also brought Pepsi...
Usually Pepsi doesn't like the water, but today she went right in!

and she got all wet!!!

Crossing the little creek..

Getting my bum wet...

I gotta get of now...



Hello to whoever is reading this!
If you are reading this you are awesome :P
I would really appreciate if you follow my blog or even just comment :D

God bless!!!!!
